Translations platform Hi all, We flipped the switch! Bye bye Transifex you served us well. Welcome OCA Weblate at * [1] *. Here is some information to get you started with the new w... Community Contribute Localization News translation
OCA Financial Results 2017 and Budget for 2018 2017 Financial Results ** A healthy year! * The OCA is evolving in order to improve the management of the Association: New General Secretary, change in the board period duty to natural years, RFQ proc... Budget Finance
How to install OCA modules One of the greatest barrier to the contributors or end users is how to get started with Odoo and how to easily install the OCA module and test them. This document intends to inventory some simple ways... Github Installation Module
OCA Winter Newsletter #2018.1 Hello Community, Here is an update to the events in the past months, relevant to Odoo Community Association in particular, and the Odoo Community landscape in general. This is also a good opportunity ... News
Vertical Medical On Jan 25, 2018, the Odoo Community Association's Vertical Medical repository received a DMCA notice for violation of licensing terms. All forks of the repository also received this notification, whic...
A word from the president Dear contributors, members, and community, We were once working on TinyERP. Back then, the community was barely composed by few people and companies, the collaboration was anecdotic. Then came OpenER... Community Contributing Organization
OCA Fall Newsletter (#2017.3) Hi Everyone! Today we bring you the highlights of the past few months, as well as a few notes about the upcoming OCA Sprint and Odoo Experience. Do you have something you would like included in the ne... News
OCA General Assembly and Election **OCA Annual General Assembly and Election** June 2017* Dear Community, I'm pleased to report that the 2017 Annual General Assembly was closed on June the 3rd, and the election results have been an...
OCA Newsletter #2017.2 Hello all! We are back with an overview of the new and noteworthy information of the last months. We also have some updates on what the OCA Board has been up to during this time. We are always looki... News
OCA Newsletter #2017.1: Restart Hello everyone. After an interruption, the newsletter is back. Once again, we want to regularly report on the community news and on what the OCA Board is working on. You will notice that the newslett... News
Meeting with the ERPNext founder **Meeting with the ERPNext founder** Early in January Rushabh Mehta, the ERPNext Founder and CE O , wrote an open letter addressing the Odoo community [1] . The OCA board answered to it by inviti...
How to involve the OCA in your project delivery process? How to involve the OCA in your project delivery process?** And remain competitive and profitable...* *How do you guys do to contribute and be profitable?* Where do you find the time and the resou...