

The OCA modules every Odoo project should use

We have created a list of modules that every Odoo project should use to make the most of its Odoo system.

Discover the list

This is a library of documentation for Odoo releases and apps. This is currently outdated - please bear with us as we get this information updated.


Basics video tutorial on Odoo

Version 9

Technical doc

Functional doc

API doc

Installing doc

Version 8

Official odoo v8 docs

Official odoo v8 docs  (github source code)

Odoo v8 database scheme (Thanks go to Borut Jures for his work)

Odoo’s new v8 API guidelines (From OpenDays 2014)

OpenERP v8 book (Community written)

Official odoo how-to docs (Community written, odoo approved)

Version 7

Official OpenERP v7 docs

Official OpenERP Web Developers Documentation v7

Official OpenERP Technical Memento v0.7.4 (French Version)

OpenERP v7 docs (Written by odoo silver partner – erpweb)