Become an OCA Member for as little as 60 EUR per calendar year.
The OCA exists to support an Open Source and collaborative community. By becoming an OCA member, you not only support our mission, but gain access to the personal benefits of being part of our open source community.
We have two membership levels which offer various levels of participation in the OCA – Members and Delegate Members.
Becoming a Member is as easy as joining the site and contributing to the association's goals.
Regular members can contribute to project teams, be elected as PSC members, and can speak up and contribute in every way. Every member who gets involved in OCA projects has an influence on the development of OCA and the OCA work, has access to our newsletters, forums, and Github, can opt in to be listed in our Membership Directory, and are supporting the OCA to achieve our mission.
Delegate Members are regular association members who nominated and elected by other existing delegate members during the annual delegate member election. Delegate members can do everything regular members can do, and can also vote in the Board elections.
Before joining, read the bylaws and if you would like to become a member and support the work of the OCA, complete the form below.