How to contribute to OCA doing reviews and submitting your first module
Akim JuilleratDone
When the time clock allows you to accumulate compensatory hours !
Pierre VerkestDone
EDI framework - what's new
Simone OrsiDone
Using the Management Systems to drive your ISO norm compliance
Daniel ReisDone
Lunch - Get your T-shirts - 2022 OCA Members get first dibs
How to manage your supply chain with FrePPLe
Maxime ChambreuilDone
Writing tests to Odoo frontend: JS Tours and QUnit
Iván TodorovichDone
oca-port: new OCA tool to help with modules migration
Sébastien Alix and Simone OrsiDone
The Odoo ecosystem and in which place can I fit?
Pedro M. BaezaDone
GraphQL API on Odoo powered by OCA
Yannick PayotDone
OCA Logo Concept
10/10/22, 5:30 PM
10/10/22, 6:00 PM
(30 minutes)
Virginie Dewulf and Rebecca Gellatly

Virginie Dewulf
Virginie Dewulf is co-founder of a workers cooperative based in Brussels, Coop IT Easy. She has worked with Odoo since 2015 as a functional analyst and project manager.
She has been active within the OCA for several years and since the end of 2020 is a current OCA Board Member, where she is focusing on the new OCA Communication Strategy. She loves the social economy sector and to make culinary discoveries.

Rebecca Gellatly
Rebecca has been the General Secretary of the OCA since 2018.
Based in New Zealand she is committed to helping support the global growth of the OCA.