When the time clock allows you to accumulate compensatory hours !
Pierre VerkestDone
AMA about the OCA Infrastructure
Stéphane BidoulDone
OCA Logo Concept
Virginie Dewulf and Rebecca GellatlyDone
Mozaik - managing Political Parties with open source
Guillaume Vandamme and Vincent Van Osta.Done
The Odoo ecosystem and in which place can I fit?
Pedro M. BaezaDone
Runboat - Concepts, architecture and operation
Stéphane BidoulDone
Revisiting How To Deliver to Customers while Contributing to the OCA
Daniel ReisDone
Using the Management Systems to drive your ISO norm compliance
Daniel ReisDone
OCA basics and how to contribute
Guillem Casassas and Bernat PuigDone
How to manage your supply chain with FrePPLe
Maxime ChambreuilDone
Frederik Kramer is the CEO of initOS GmbH, a German Odoo partner and community member. Frederik holds a diploma on business informatics and a PhD on engineering from the Otto-von-Guericke-University (OVGU) in Magdeburg, Germany. He is a long time scientific research fellow at the Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster (MRCC) working in the field of IT-strategy and Open Source. Since 2019 he happily serves as a member of the board of the Odoo Community Association
- On the history, the future and the lessons learned from almost 20 years of Odoo -
TinyERP or Odoo as it is named today, has come a long way. Started as a student project at the University of Louvain la Neuve, today Odoo is the unrivaled market leader for Open-Source based ERP-Systems.
However, it wasn't and and certainly still isn't an easy journey all the way long. Being as succesfully as Odoo is, is certainly a combination of many factors altogether leading to such a superior result.
In my talk i'd like to share my personal journey and experience of being part of this amazing community. I will shed a light on different milestones of this journey, will try to remember historic discussion i personally had with Fabien and other community members, dicuss insights and experiences i obtained from being a long time visitor at many Odoo events and comment on sometimes weired historic and contemporary strategic moves that shaped the path to Odoos succes. Finally, i will try rubbing the magic glass bowl for the future in light of the contemporary and projected future environment. I hope not only functional people and PMs but also developers and engineers would be interested in jointly sharing their views, visions and their perspectives in this interactive history session.