AMA about the OCA Infrastructure
Stéphane BidoulDone
Mozaik - managing Political Parties with open source
Guillaume Vandamme and Vincent Van Osta.Done
oca-port: new OCA tool to help with modules migration
Sébastien Alix and Simone OrsiDone
Revisiting How To Deliver to Customers while Contributing to the OCA
Daniel ReisDone
Advanced B2B e-commerce with ShopInvader
Laurent Mignon and Thibault ReyDone
OCA Logo Concept
Virginie Dewulf and Rebecca GellatlyDone
Open Upgrade
Graeme GellatlyDone
TinyERP, OpenERP, Odoo and the famous glass bowl
Frederik KramerDone
How to Scale Up Implementations in SMB
Gonzalo Ruzafa.Done
- Co-owner and CTO de Tecnativa since 2016.
- Odoo/OpenERP freelance consultant from 2011 to 2016.
- Previous experience as CTO during 5 years.
- Spanish localization PSC representative.
- PSC member of several areas.
- Former OCA board member.
- Former President of the Spanish Odoo Association (AEOdoo).
- Active OCA contributor.
- Tech enthusiast in general.
This talk will browse the different business opportunities around Odoo, with pros and cons, from the perspective and experience of the speaker, that can serve for a later discussion around them. The talk will end highlighting the benefits of a community orientation + up-to-date installations, with our company success case and the keys to get it.
It's a talk oriented to Odoo business holders or decision makers, or new possible actors debating around incorporating Odoo to their product folder.
This talk will be 30 minutes for presentation, followed by 30 minutes for open discussion/AMA.