Field Service: New features and roadmap
Maxime ChambreuilDone
Lunch - Get your T-shirts - 2022 OCA Members get first dibs
The Odoo ecosystem and in which place can I fit?
Pedro M. BaezaDone
oca-port: new OCA tool to help with modules migration
Sébastien Alix and Simone OrsiDone
EDI framework - what's new
Simone OrsiDone
Shopfloor - what's new
Simone OrsiDone
Advanced B2B e-commerce with ShopInvader
Laurent Mignon and Thibault ReyDone
OCA Logo Concept
Virginie Dewulf and Rebecca GellatlyDone
Runboat - Concepts, architecture and operation
Stéphane BidoulDone
Dynamic Reports - Lets Odoo users build reports
Tom BlauwendraatDone
Board AMA
10/11/22, 3:30 PM
10/11/22, 4:00 PM
(30 minutes)