As an OCA Contributor you get to work in cross-functional teams with programmers, integrators, and functional consultants, where you’ll discover exciting opportunities for innovation. You don't need to be a programmer.
Your open source work is supported through the app store and legal frameworks, and you can improve your and your teams’ programming skills through teamwork, code-sprints, and OCA’s community forums. For non-programmers, your functional knowledge helps ensure that developments meet the needs of Odoo Community users.
New to OCA? Start below. The where to begin section gives you an overview of our processes and how to get connected with the community. You will find that we are a diverse and welcoming community.
Then read the technical intro, before contributing through code, reviews, feature requests, translation, content, or reporting bugs. You can find step-by-step instructions for contributing to OCA in our How-To Guides. Once you have been contributing, you can apply to join a PSC team.
Where to begin
Get to know about our work, our processes, our way of collaborating together:
Join the main OCA contributors mailing list.
Join us on the Discord Group here.
Meet us at an event
Get on to the technical stuff
Read the Odoo technical documentation. Your first step in the technical part starts here.
Get familiar with Git. Learn about the version control system here.
Discover our conventions. Read our technical guidelines
Find out about the OCA Infrastructure.
Code of Conduct. Learn more about what is expected in being part of our great community.
Help! I’m a functional person, not technical person! You are still welcome here. Read this dedicated page.
Join a Project Steering Committee or be part of a reviewer team
Membership of a Project Steering Committee is based on meritocracy. To be accepted in a PSC, start by contributing, by suggesting pull requests suggesting merge proposals, and reviewing others' work.
When significant work has been achieved, you can apply for a team by requesting your membership under the following conditions:
Must have done at least 10 reviews and prove your motivation
Must be sponsored by an existing reviewer
Application is sent by the sponsor to the email address below with links allowing its contributions to be evaluated
Must be contributing for 3 months
Application must be approved by Projects Steering Committee.
You can apply for different PSCs, there is no limitation on being involved across different teams. This encourages consistency across projects and fosters innovation.
Read more about our PSCs here.
Membership of a Project Steering Committee may be removed under the following conditions:
Disrespect of the guidelines
Removal approved by 3 other PSC members
No contributions or activities from the last 6 months.
How can I contribute code?
The governance model currently being formulated will define the legal and related issues on how code will be accepted into the association software projects. Currently, you can submit your pull request on any of the related OCA projects. It will be reviewed by the team's owner and the community. Find more details on the contributors agreement here.