WMS - Organize your warehousing operations
Jacques-Etienne BaudouxDone
Mozaik - managing Political Parties with open source
Guillaume Vandamme and Vincent Van Osta.Done
Open discussion on Practices with Community Accounting and Instability on Odoo Accounting
Julien Jézéquel-BréardDone
Lunch - Get your T-shirts - 2022 OCA Members get first dibs
OCA basics and how to contribute
Guillem Casassas and Bernat PuigDone
How to Scale Up Implementations in SMB
Gonzalo Ruzafa.Done
GraphQL API on Odoo powered by OCA
Yannick PayotDone
Runboat - Concepts, architecture and operation
Stéphane BidoulDone
TinyERP, OpenERP, Odoo and the famous glass bowl
Frederik KramerDone
oca-port: new OCA tool to help with modules migration
Sébastien Alix and Simone OrsiDone
10/11/22, 12:30 PM
10/11/22, 1:30 PM
(1 hour)