Event OCA Days 2024 - Liège starts on September 30, 2024 at 8:30:00 AM +0200
Thoughts on Open Core as a model for OCA
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Thoughts on Open Core as a model for OCA
Tom Blauwendraat http://therp.nl tblauwendraat@therp.nl +31 20 3093093

Now 10 years in the Odoo world as developer. In OCA as a delegate and PSC. Co-owner of Therp BV, an Odoo integrator company in the Netherlands.

Recently there has been talk on models of how to bring more revenue to OCA. I want to present an alternative around the idea of "Open Core" to invite discussion and evoke interesting responses. The central idea is to sell premium modules, through which the development and maintenance of the base modules is financed.