Call for Speakers

OCA Days 2024 - Liège



OCA Days 2024 - New Format

Find out what to expect and how you can help.

We have a new format for 2024 - this year the format is a talks and workshops style event. The mornings will focus on talks on key topics, with the second part of the day being workshops that facilitate learning of the topics from the morning.


Key Topics are: 
  • Welcome experience & contributor retention

  • Module documentation

  • OpenUpgrade

  • OCA Evolution and Future

  • Accounting

  • Other Topics

When you propose a talk please let us know if it is a talk or workshop from which Topic above.

To help organise and coordinate each topic, we will need one main facilitator per topic. Don’t hesitate to propose a name or yourself as well. Please reach

For the Other Topics track, we will accept a broad range of proposals, from presentations on different modules, community projects to trainings/tutorials, case studies, implementations and great discussion topics. As long as the presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the audience, it will be considered for inclusion in the programme.

What of the code sprint you ask? Of course we will still have tables available for those that would like to code and collaborate in a code sprint way, in person, but this area will be a more simplified version of our traditional sprint.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.


Fill this form to propose your talk.

Talk Types

  • Key Topic Talks:  one or two people give their talk in a 30 minutes format, with 5 minutes for questions from the audience at the end.
  • Workshops:  we expect around 45 minutes (but this will be adapted depending on the type of workshops) related to helping facilitate learning of the morning topics. This part will be lead by facilitators and it’s more hands-on oriented. The facilitators will of course come with a bit of preparation and content but the goal is to exchange with the participants and even do some work together if it’s convenient. Several workshops from the same topic could even happen at the same time. This part is a bit of an experiment and we hope it will allow for more engagement and help develop new skills.

Submission Agreement

We require speakers to accept an agreement in which they commit to:

  • Timely release of presentation material (slides), for publishing on our website.
  • Allow video and audio recording of their presentation, for publishing on our website.