Event OCA Days 2024 - Liège starts on September 30, 2024 at 8:30:00 AM +0200
Deploy Odoo with Kubernetes: why, why not and how
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(30 minutes)

Deploy Odoo with Kubernetes: why, why not and how
Adrien Peiffer adrien.peiffer@acsone.eu +352 661 506 211

Adrien is a software engineer at ACSONE.

Do you really need to deploy Odoo Kubernetes ? In which situations is this an option to consider ?

In the first part of this presentation, Adrien will explain why Kubernetes can be a reliable solution to deploy Odoo.

From containerization to orchestration, in the second part of the presentation Adrien will show what are the different components that make the magic happen and how to configure and deploy it quickly on a local Kubernetes cluster.