Event OCA Days 2024 - Liège starts on September 30, 2024 at 8:30:00 AM +0200
Installing OCA addons the easy way, 2024 edition
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Installing OCA addons the easy way, 2024 edition
Stéphane Bidoul CTO  at Acsone SA/NV stephane.bidoul@acsone.eu +32 2 888 31 20

Stéphane is a software engineer at ACSONE.

One common question beginner developers have is how to install OCA addons, for evaluation, development or production. Back in 2016 and Odoo 8, we introduced [1] a simple mechanism for easy installation of OCA addons and automatic discovery of dependencies across the 200 OCA repositories.

Fast forward to 2024, python tooling and packaging standards have evolved tremendously.

In this talk that will appeal to beginners and expert developers alike, we show how the same basic technique can be used with ultramodern and superfast tooling. We will show how to set-up a local evaluation and development environment for Odoo 17 with OCA addons, using modern tooling such as uv and devcontainers.

[1] https://odoo-community.org/blog/news-updates-1/installing-oca-addons-the-easy-way-32