10:00am - The Hitchhikers Guide to OCA Collaboration (60mins)
Daniel ReisDone
12:30pm - Utilising Domain Driven principles within the OCA ecosystem (30mins)
Graeme GellatlyDone
10:40am - Mastering Partnerships: Excelling as an Odoo Integrator (30mins)
Frederik KramerDone
9:30am - What's new in the local associations? Italian/Spanish/Surprise new one! (30mins)
Virginie DewulfDone
10:05 am - The Business Case for OCA: A CEO's Perspective (30mins)
Jorge Elena PobletDone
11:50am - Empowering Odoo Users with Foundational Knowledge: An Overview of Our eLearning Program (30mins)
Benoît ChambourdonDone
11:30am - Installing OCA addons the easy way, 2024 edition (60mins)
Stéphane BidoulDone
11:15am - Escape from Odoo.sh using open source server management solution (30mins)
Ivan SokolovDone
12:00pm - Replacing Custom Code with OCA Addons: a case study in the logistics sector (30mins)
Laurent MignonDone
9:30am - GIT Insides (30mins)
Pierre VerkestDone
11:00am - Intro to Odoo dev: Odoo module: késako? (30mins)
Welcome Experience and Contributor Retention Track
Location: Big Room - Ground Floor
9/30/24, 11:00 AM
9/30/24, 11:30 AM
(30 minutes)
Former Odoo dev @ Camptocamp, I currently work as fullstack developer @Foodles.
Talk for new devs that never dev with Odoo
Odoo dev basics:
- module structure
- models: inheritance, declaration, ...
- views
- access rights, access rules
- business logic
- tips & tricks