11:50am - A walk through the Shopinvader API (30mins)
Devops Presentation
Location: Millau Room - 1st Floor - 10/1/24, 11:50 AM - 10/1/24, 12:20 PM (+0200) (30 minutes)

11:50am - A walk through the Shopinvader API (30mins)
Quentin Groulard quentin.groulard@acsone.eu

Quentin is a software engineer at ACSONE.

Shopinvader is an architecture and a set of REST API that enable the creation of advanced e-commerce solutions from Odoo.

In this talk we will recap the Shopinvader architecture, and discuss the use cases when it is worth considering.

We will then highlight the main features (API, search index, etc), and walk the audience through the various OCA and Shopinvader modules that can be assembled to create such a solution.