10:00am - The Hitchhikers Guide to OCA Collaboration (60mins)
Daniel ReisDone
11:50am - Empowering Odoo Users with Foundational Knowledge: An Overview of Our eLearning Program (30mins)
Benoît ChambourdonDone
2:30pm - Thoughts on previous talks: the Ultimate+Public Repos and OCA Core Model
11:30am - Installing OCA addons the easy way, 2024 edition (60mins)
Stéphane BidoulDone
11:15am Open Discussion following previous two talks
2:00pm - Open Core as a model for OCA
Tom BlauwendraatDone
Round up of OCA Days 2024 - Day 2
3:00pm - WORKSHOP Reflexion and creation of a roadmap / plan for the new tool (2hrs) Big Room - GroundFloor
Jairo Llopis and Florencia FrigieriDone
11:00am - Intro to Odoo dev: Odoo module: késako? (30mins)
Damien CrierDone
10:05 am - The Business Case for OCA: A CEO's Perspective (30mins)
Jorge Elena PobletDone
6:00pm - Evening Event
Location: Big Room - Ground Floor
9/30/24, 6:00 PM
9/30/24, 11:00 PM
(5 hours)
6:00pm - drinks service starts (2 free drinks then purchase your own throughout the evening)
7:00pm - dinner service starts
8:00pm - band starts
10:10 - band and drink services complete