Odoo for NGO's
Michael Karrer
Have you got a great idea for a presentation?
Odoo Community Association (OCA)
Subcontracting in the Manufacturing World
Melody FetterlyDone
Best of OCA bundle: Get to know how to bring a community to life at a customer
Joerg Lorenz.Done
Open Discussion - What Odoo versions and edition the OCA members work on for their customers?
Virginie DewulfDone
Open Discussion - 13:35
Better Grasp on Costs with Activity Based Costing in Odoo
Daryl DavisDone
Working offline without leaving Odoo
Pedro M. BaezaDone
Seamlessly delivering to customers while contributing to the OCA
Daniel ReisDone
Open Discussion - Vertical Rental - 12:40
Benjamin BrichDone
Shopfloor: the OCA WMS app
Location: Track 2
10/28/21, 11:30 AM
10/28/21, 12:00 PM
(30 minutes)
Long time contributor, OCA board member, working at Camptocamp as software architect.
The OCA has its own WMS app.
I'll present you an overview on the core principles of the stack and the mobile app.