Odoo for NGO's
Michael Karrer
Have you got a great idea for a presentation?
Odoo Community Association (OCA)
Odoo dependency management using off-the-shelf Python tooling
Stéphane BidoulDone
Open Discussion - Vertical Rental - 12:40
Benjamin BrichDone
OCA Brazilian Localization Architecture
Renato LimaDone
Simple forms in mail activities
Holger BrunnDone
Best of OCA bundle: Get to know how to bring a community to life at a customer
Joerg Lorenz.Done
Seamlessly delivering to customers while contributing to the OCA
Daniel ReisDone
Working offline without leaving Odoo
Pedro M. BaezaDone
Open Discussion - What Odoo versions and edition the OCA members work on for their customers?
Virginie DewulfDone
Can Odoo be used on a Hospital?
Location: Track 2
10/28/21, 10:45 AM
10/28/21, 11:15 AM
(30 minutes)
Project Manager of the implementation of Odoo on Creu Blanca started on 2017. I worked on BI before my career as an ERP Developer.
I intend to explain how we managed to implement Odoo on a group of hospitals. Also, our evolution and how with Odoo we can manage from stock and invoices to DICOM studies, patient history and medical diagnostic reports