Odoo Developer Training: From Basis to First Module
Luis Felipe MileoDone
Introduction to the OCA code quality and testing infrastructure
Stéphane BidoulDone
How to set up a runbot
Alexandre FayolleDone
How to create Pull Requests and contribute code
Daniel ReisDone
WMS & Supply chain using OCA Module
Joël Grand GuillaumeDone
Testing best practices, tips and tricks
Simone OrsiDone
Create your own KPI Dashboard using OCA
Enric Tobella AlomarDone
Odoo models XML import/export using generateDS to generate bindings from arbitrary XSD schemas
Raphaël ValyiDone
Odoo 3d with google model-viewer
Andrea PiovesanaDone
Practical Introduction to DDMRP
Luis F MiléoDone
Tips & tricks for daily work in OCA: migrating a module, reviewing PRs and AMA
Location: Track 1
10/15/20, 11:30 AM
10/15/20, 1:30 PM
(2 hours)
Pedro is a co-owner and CTO of Tecnativa. Having been extremely actively involved in the OCA for many years he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in many areas of the community that newbies and experts alike will find value in.
Being one of the most active contributors involved in OCA, I will try to summarize some techniques for keeping up the work with OCA repositories, being effective on them.
It will also serve as a guide for how to contribute for beginners, although some pre-knowledge is required: git, GitHub, Python, Odoo ORM.
There will be a live module migration to version 13, a PR review, and AMA (ask me anything) session afterwards.