WMS & Supply chain using OCA Module
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Introduction to Brazilian Localization (in Portuguese)
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Ask me anything on Odoo Logistics
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Practical Introduction to DDMRP
Luis F MiléoDone
Tips & tricks for daily work in OCA: migrating a module, reviewing PRs and AMA
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How to set up a runbot
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Introduction to the OCA code quality and testing infrastructure
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Odoo Developer Training: From Basis to First Module
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How to create Pull Requests and contribute code
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Role Policy App
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Create your own KPI Dashboard using OCA
Location: Track 1
10/16/20, 1:30 PM
10/16/20, 3:00 PM
(1 hour 30 minutes)
About the Speaker
Project Manager on Creu Blanca, I started working on Odoo on 2017 and since the begining I have been involved with OCA. I am innvolved mainly on the healthcare sector, but related with many areas: DMS, HR, maintenance...
I am currently OCA Delegate and PSC on some OCA repositories.
This training will introduce the KPI dashboard module and help users to use them and create their own dashboards.
Using this small engine we can create KPI dashboards with different functionalities and allows us to show information in different ways.