September 30th - October 1st, Belgium
This year was the biggest OCA Days we have held. It was the first time we have charged for the event and we were very heartened to see so many people join us to help create another awesome OCA Days.
With 6 main tracks running over the two days, we weren't lacking in things to talk about or learn about. Some of the talks were standing room only in the end. There were some awesome discussions held around the evolution and future of the OCA and we thank everyone who participated for their well thought out considerations.
If you have any more photos to share you can do so on our drive.
Server Transfer
As the machine we started with more than ten years ago was not powerful enough to sustain the growth of OCA, we rented a new server and started moving the services, starting with our Weblate instance (https://translation.odoo.community.org). The process is now complete and we are decommissioning the old machine. Services such as our GitHub bot (/ocabot merge), the odoo-community.org Odoo instance which runs our website, runboat, and several more have now a new more powerful home. If you want to learn more you can consult this slides deck and corresponding OCA days talk here.
The way the OCA approaches OpenUpgrade has had a revamp over the last year. We now have a bit of a task force working on this complex offering. The plan is to ideally have an operational version of OpenUpgrade V17 in Q1 2025, and an operational version of OpenUpgrade V18 in September 2025.
You can find out what has been been happening and where things are at on our blog
Annual General Assembly
AGA Results
Our Annual General Assembly came to its conclusion at the beginning of December. We welcome 10 new delegates and also 3 new members to the board for 2025.
Thank you to all the members you applied to become delegates - it is great to see such momentum within the community.
The pathway to becoming a board member is become a member, you can then apply to be a delegate in the AGA, once you are a delegate you can apply to become a board member - this process can happen in the same year.
2025 Membership
If you are new to the OCA and purchase your 2025 membership in December you will get the rest of the December free.
If you are an existing member you membership will be renewed towards the beginning of 2025.
Ivan Sokolov, Cetmix - Escape from Odoo.sh using open source server management solution
The most popular talk from the 2024 OCA Days to date is Ivan's presentation of Cetmix Tower - an alternative to Odoo.sh.
Master the drop-down list with the "Web m2x options" module
Over the course of this year we have introduced a new feature where we showcase some great OCA modules. Recently the web_m2x_options OCA module was discussed. Learn how to master the drop-down list in Odoo (restrain the creation, adapt the number of displayed values...) by reading more here.
Consultants Workgroup
"The plan" is described on Github, here and will become a reality in the next months.
OCA Meet Up In Lyon
In November the Akretion team hosted a Meet Up in their Lyon offices. Welcoming developers, consultants and entrepreneurs to discover the new features of Odoo V18. You can find out more here.
2023 OCA Top Contributors
Have you ever wondered how much people and companies are contributing in the OCA open source world. Enric at Dixmit has done the work for us and extracted the data for 2023. You can find out all about these significant contributions and how the list was calculated here.