Today, we aim to create a ranking of the most significant contributors to the OCA—individuals and companies that have dedicated substantial time and resources to enhance and expand Odoo. This ranking has been compiled by reviewing the number of merged Pull Requests (PRs). Of course, many other aspects could be analyzed, including code reviews, issue resolutions, and even translations. Moreover, it doesn't measure the importance of each contribution. Nevertheless, this method seems efficient enough, as actively contributing individuals usually create numerous Pull Requests.
Now, let's take a look at the top contributors of 2023 at the organizational level.
Curiously, the ninth contributor isn't a company specializing in Odoo implementation. It is a group of medical centers that use Odoo in collaboration with Dixmit and ForgeFlow. Also, we can see that 5 of top 10 Companies are Spanish, showing the great community that we can find there.
At the individual level, the ranking is as follows:
Victor Martínez (Tecnativa, Spain): 391 PRs
Pedro M. Baeza (Tecnativa, Spain): 341 PRs
Enric Tobella (Dixmit, Spain): 235 PRs
David Vidal (Tecnativa, Spain): 163 PRs
Simone Orsi (Camptocamp, Italy): 163 PRs
Miquel Raïch (Forgeflow, Spain): 159 PRs
Alexis de Lattre (Akretion, France): 155 PRs
Pilar Vargas (Tecnativa, Spain): 150 PRs
Lois Rilo (ForgeFlow, Spain): 135 PRs
Sylvain Le Gal (Grap, France): 134 PRs
Furthermore, the review process performed by contributors is also essential. These actions allow us to enhance the published code and provide learning opportunities for everyone involved. Among the PRs merged in 2023, the following individuals have served as reviewers:
Pedro M. Baeza (Tecnativa, Spain): 1.921 Reviews
David Vidal (Tecnativa, Spain): 660 Reviews
Roussel Dennis (Acsone, Belgium): 395 Reviews
Lois Rilo (ForgeFlow, Spain): 351 Reviews
Raphaël Valyi (Akretion, Brazil): 331 Reviews
Sylvain Le Gal (Grap, France): 288 Reviews
Simone Orsi (Camptocamp, Italy): 287 Reviews
Aaron Henríquez (ForgeFlow, Spain): 271 Reviews
Victor Martínez (Tecnativa, Spain): 269 Reviews
Marcel Savegnago (Escodoo, Brazil): 253 Reviews
It's important to emphasize that the OCA is an inclusive organization, and anyone, whether an individual or a company, can join and contribute. It's not just about the quantity of contributions but also the quality and the impact they have on the Odoo community.
If you're interested in joining the OCA community or increasing your contributions, we encourage you to explore the various ways you can get involved. Whether you're an experienced developer or an Odoo enthusiast, your contribution is valuable and can make a difference.
We extend our gratitude to all OCA contributors for their hard work and dedication in making Odoo an exceptional open-source enterprise management system. Let's continue building a better future for Odoo and its community!
Access to all data with the following link
We must conclude by thanking Dixmit, as they have been responsible for extracting this data and have shared their analysis with the community.