2:00pm - Brainstorm with the community - lets work together to solve some problems. (2hrs)
Pierre VerkestDone
11:15am - Transportation Management System (30mins)
Maxime ChambreuilDone
10:05am - Field Service Management (30mins)
Maxime ChambreuilDone
10:40 - How to sell an Odoo project (30mins)
Gonzalo Ruzafa and Eduardo Pérez SegónDone
11:15am Open Discussion following previous two talks
12:00pm - Documentation Guidelines (30mins)
Manuel CordobaDone
11:00am - How do I contribute right now to modules documentation? (60mins)
Julie LeBrun and Florencia FrigieriDone
3:00pm - WORKSHOP: Writing some modules documentation (2hrs) Kintaikyo Room - 2nd Floor
Julie LeBrun and Lara FreekeDone
10:00am - Welcome from the Consultants Working Group (30mins)
Virginie Dewulf and Julie LeBrunDone
9:30am - Advanced Odoo Hosting (30mins) SAPPHIRE SPONSOR TALK
Justin MesterDone
Passionné par les métiers de l'informatique, j'explore l'univers numérique et ses éco-systèmes de l'utilisation aux méthodes de gestion de projet en passant par le cycle de développement des projets.
Depuis la mise en place de l'Holacracy en 2016 chez Anybox, je suis très curieux du fonctionnement des organisations et les composantes permettant aux équipes de travailler de manière efficace dans un cadre de travail bienveillant et dans la bonne humeur.Passionné par les métiers de l'informatique,
j'explore l'univers numérique et ses éco-systèmes de l'utilisation aux
méthodes de gestion de projet en passant par le cycle de développement
des projets.
Please join Pierre Verkest and Rebecca Gellatly in welcoming Jay Vora, Gijs-Jan Otten, Pedro M. Baeza and Julien Jézéquel-Bréard to our round table discussion.
1. Quick introduction of the participants
Each integrator introduces themselves (company, role, experience with Odoo and OCA).
2. First topic: Odoo integration as an evolving profession
How has the role of Odoo integrator evolved over the past few years?
What key skills are essential for success today?
3. Second topic: Educating customers about Odoo and the OCA
How do you introduce Odoo and the OCA to your clients?
What are the key points to help clients understand the benefits of open-source solutions?
4. Third topic: Business models adopted by integrators
What business models do you follow for Odoo services (subscription-based, project-based, support models)?
How do you balance custom developments with OCA module integration in your offerings?
5. Fourth topic: Managing client projects with OCA modules, migrations, and hosting
OCA Modules: How do you integrate OCA modules into client projects? Which modules consistently add value?
Odoo Migrations: What challenges do you face during Odoo migrations, and how do you manage version upgrades while using OCA modules?
Hosting Solutions: What is your approach to hosting (on-premise vs. cloud)? How do you decide the best fit for each client?
6. Fifth topic: Future perspectives for integrators in the Odoo ecosystem
What trends or innovations do you foresee impacting integrators in the Odoo ecosystem?
7. Closing and synthesis
Q&A session