Odoo for NGO's
Michael Karrer
Have you got a great idea for a presentation?
Odoo Community Association (OCA)
Budget Control for Governments
Kitti UpariphutthiphongDone
Targeted monitoring of database locks and high memory usage
Tom BlauwendraatDone
Ask Me Anything with Fabien Pinckaers
Fabien PinckaersDone
Complex Calculations on Odoo using Google sheets
Ossi MäntylahtiDone
Vault: Managing passwords in Odoo
Frederik Kramer and Florian KantelbergDone
OCA Board - Ask Me Anything
Odoo Community Association (OCA)Done
Migrating For The Future: Setting Up Your Odoo System For The Next Version
Maxime ChambreuilDone
Project Management Application for Non IT Company
Mustufa Rahi and Richard VargheseDone
Pywebdriver: an alternative to the IoT Box
Location: Track 1
10/29/21, 12:05 PM
10/29/21, 12:35 PM
(30 minutes)
The IoT box has some drawbacks and Pywebdriver aims to be an alternative that resolves those problems. In this talk, I will present you the functionalities of Pywebdriver and show you how to install and use it on a Windows machine.