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Open Discussion - 13:35
OCA Brazilian Localization Architecture
Location: Track 2
10/29/21, 4:25 PM
10/29/21, 5:05 PM
(40 minutes)
Renato has 21 years of experience in proprietary ERPs in the Brazilian market, has solid knowledge in the main segments of the economy, mainly Industry, Distribution and Services.
He has 12 years of experience with Odoo in Brazil and also disciplines in projects in Brazil, USA, Spain and France.
He is the project leader of the Brazilian localization since 2009 and also a contributor to other OCA ecosystem repositories.
In this talk you will learn the history of the development of the Brazilian localization, the architecture of the main features, especially the fiscal part which is very specific and complex, the project goals, roadmap and how to contribute to the project.
This presenation will be in Portugese and for the Brazilian public.