Building your local community with the OCA
Maxime ChambreuilDone
Project management - How to maximize chances of success with client customization
Julien Jézéquel-Bréard + Quentin Lavallée-BourdeauDone
Business Resiliency
Gregory A MaderDone
How to guide your Odoo project to success with OCA
Rafael BlascoDone
Using excel file as template to build powerful import/export and reports action.
Kitti UpariphutthiphongDone
OCA: from the point of view of Odoo SA
Fabien PinckaersDone
Odoo to Odoo: the Benefits of Migration
Daniel ReisDone
Building a powerful Geodata management system
Denis LeemannDone
Sales/VAT tax compliance with Avatax Connector
Daniel ReisDone
Odoo for Non-profit
Wolfgang HallDone
Frederik Kramer is the CEO of initOS GmbH, a German Odoo partner and community member. Frederik holds a diploma on business informatics and a PhD on engineering from the Otto-von-Guericke-University (OVGU) in Magdeburg, Germany. He is a long time scientific research fellow at the Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster (MRCC) working in the field of IT-strategy and Open Source. Since 2019 he happily serves as a member of the board of the Odoo Community Association.
Software Engineering for decades has been a process that was predominantly internal to a business organization. This was logical because the resulting code in the proprietary era was protected by copyright and kept off the eyes of external competition and users.
In the Open Source era the development model has changed significantly. This talk will focus on why a community centric development process should be today's new normal and why it is so difficult to transform a well taught thought model among even a very young group of software engineers.