OCA Document Management System
Jaime Arroyo MoralesDone
Sales/VAT tax compliance with Avatax Connector
Daniel ReisDone
Recurring invoicing with the OCA contract module
Souheil BejaouiDone
Product information management (PIM) within Odoo
Cédric PigeonDone
Marmara Credit Loops: İntegration of a Blockchain Based Decentralized Credit Creation and Circulation System with Odoo
Prof. Dr. B. Gültekin ÇetinerDone
Odoo for Non-profit
Wolfgang HallDone
Shopinvader for serious ecommerce
Héctor Villarreal OrtegaDone
Refactoring of OCA financial reports
Joan SisquellaDone
Odoo's success stories in academia in Indonesia
Dr. Ir. Agung Terminanto, MBA, IPMDone
Barcode app using OCA WMS shopfloor app
Joël Grand GuillaumeDone
Odoo to Odoo: the Benefits of Migration
Location: Track 2
10/15/20, 8:10 PM
10/15/20, 8:40 PM
(30 minutes)
Daniel Reis
Managing Partner
at ClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA
Benefits of Migration - Customer success from Odoo's new features from version to version