OCA Days 2020 - Day 1, Code Sprint - Daily Wrap Up
Code Sprint AttendeesDone
OCA Days 2020 - Day 2, Code Sprint - Daily Wrap Up
Code Sprint AttendeesDone
Marmara Credit Loops: İntegration of a Blockchain Based Decentralized Credit Creation and Circulation System with Odoo
Prof. Dr. B. Gültekin ÇetinerDone
Improving customer experience with Optimal Delivery
Rodrigo TorresDone
Recurring invoicing with the OCA contract module
Souheil BejaouiDone
Ask me anything on Odoo Logistics
Joël Grand GuillaumeDone
Sébastien BeauDone
OCA: from the point of view of Odoo SA
Fabien PinckaersDone
Role Policy App
Els Van Vossel, Richard Varghese and Luc De MeyerDone
Odoo to Odoo: the Benefits of Migration
Daniel ReisDone
OCA Days 2020 Code Sprint
Code Sprint
10/15/20, 9:00 AM
10/17/20, 1:30 AM
(1 day 16 hours 30 minutes)
If you are participating in the code sprint, please add topics you would plan to work on in this document.
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