OCA Days 2020 - Day 2, Code Sprint - Daily Wrap Up
Code Sprint AttendeesDone
OCA Days 2020 - Day 1, Code Sprint - Daily Wrap Up
Code Sprint AttendeesDone
Facilitating inter-cooperation of IT cooperatives using Odoo
Manuel C. + Sergi AlonsoDone
WMS & Supply chain using OCA Module
Joël Grand GuillaumeDone
How to create Pull Requests and contribute code
Daniel ReisDone
Building a powerful Geodata management system
Denis LeemannDone
Advanced Field Services Management
Wolfgang HallDone
Product information management (PIM) within Odoo
Cédric PigeonDone
Sébastien BeauDone
Tips & tricks for daily work in OCA: migrating a module, reviewing PRs and AMA
Pedro M. BaezaDone
OCA Days 2020 Code Sprint
Code Sprint
10/15/20, 9:00 AM
10/17/20, 1:30 AM
(1 day 16 hours 30 minutes)
If you are participating in the code sprint, please add topics you would plan to work on in this document.
Do not forget to join the discord server for real time collaboration - emaildiscord-membership@odoo-community.org to request access.
If you need specific additional channel topics on Discord, just ask there in the #general channel.