Welcome to the OCA Days - Day 2
OCA BoardDone
Facilitating inter-cooperation of IT cooperatives using Odoo
Manuel C. + Sergi AlonsoDone
Odoo Operator and OpenShift Containerization
Maxime Chambreuil + Mike AllenDone
OCA Board - Ask me anything
OCA BoardDone
The future documentation platform for the OCA
Maxime ChambreuilDone
OCA Days 2020 - Day 1, Code Sprint - Daily Wrap Up
Code Sprint AttendeesDone
Localization and electronic invoicing (Chile example)
Maxime ChambreuilDone
OCA Days 2020 - Day 2, Code Sprint - Daily Wrap Up
Code Sprint AttendeesDone
Refactoring of OCA financial reports
Joan SisquellaDone
Odoo's success stories in academia in Indonesia
Dr. Ir. Agung Terminanto, MBA, IPMDone
The Future of the OCA and its Governance
Location: Track 2
10/15/20, 5:35 PM
10/15/20, 5:55 PM
(20 minutes)
An open discussion with the OCA Board to discuss where the OCA stands a present and how you can help towards a sustainable future.