Building your local community with the OCA
Maxime ChambreuilDone
Odoo to Odoo: the Benefits of Migration
Daniel ReisDone
Product information management (PIM) within Odoo
Cédric PigeonDone
Odoo for music management and record companies
Julien JezequelDone
Presentation of alternative rental modules for a land surveying distribution company
Quentin Lavallée-BourdeauDone
Barcode app using OCA WMS shopfloor app
Joël Grand GuillaumeDone
Using excel file as template to build powerful import/export and reports action.
Kitti UpariphutthiphongDone
Connecting a POS with Odoo - Return on experience
Julien JezequelDone
Sales/VAT tax compliance with Avatax Connector
Daniel ReisDone
OCA Days 2020 - Day 1, Code Sprint - Daily Wrap Up
Code Sprint AttendeesDone
OCA Board - Ask me anything
Location: Track 2
10/15/20, 1:10 PM
10/15/20, 1:40 PM
(30 minutes)
Your chance to ask the OCA Board any burning questions.