OCA Newsletter #2, 2022
OpenUpgrade  News and Survey


Not yet registered for the OCA days (10th and 11th October)? There is still time!

The OCA board and some of our enthusiastic members living in Liège are busy preparing a great event. We’ll meet on Sunday 9th October the evening for a drink in the city centre in a most charming place.

On the Monday night, we’ll spend the evening together (again!): everything is being organised.

In order to make things run as friendly and smoothly as possible, we’ll need to know how many of us will be there.


Membership and the AGA

If you want to join the OCA as a Member for 2022 you still can. This kind of financial support (50 EUR per calendar year) keeps things ticking over behind the scenes but also means we fulfil our obligations as an Association. 

As the Annual General Assembly (AGA) happens later in the year (you can expect this to start in the second half of October), we'll be calling on our members to put themselves forward as Delegates for the future. Once you are voted in as a Delegate and continue to pay your annual membership donation you stay a Delegate.

The current Delegates will vote for the new ones during the AGA, then all Delegates (new and old) have the opportunity to apply to become OCA Board Members for 2023.

If you are unsure if you have renewed your membership for 2022 please contact our General Secretary here. If you are new to the OCA or want to renew your membership directly please see below. 

We currently have 162 Members for 2022 and 72 exisiting Delegates. For reference, we normally have over 300 Members, so please do get in touch if you think you haven't renewed your membership.


What's been going on with the OpenUpgrade project? This topic has been a hot topic throughout the last board meetings, after and during the version 14 migration of the OCA database. Graeme and Frederik explain the current situation in this blog post.

How do you use OpenUpgrade in your company? Please answer our survey to help us think of the best solution for our community. The survey will close on Wednesday 6th of July, so please have your say before then. 


We have plenty of great OCA apps and modules. We've decided to promote them in this newsletter, four times a year.

Do you want to promote a module you couldn’t live without? Please share it with us by replying to this email.

Today we wanted to present a module presented by Simone Orsi during the last OCA Days. This talk will show you how you can easily build your own EDI exchanges using the OCA EDI framework.

Such tools allow you to create any kind of EDI exchange in a modular way. Among the other things it takes care of their configuration and all the automation behind them (eg: talking to external services/sources, validation, crons, status update, etc) which leaves you plenty of time to focus on what really matters: the handling of the data.


In this section, we’d like to put the lights on user’s and customer’s point of view or idea’s to help our implementation and development’s projects be successful for our final users.

Daniel Reis is a very good trainer on this kind of topic and we invite you to watch (again) his talk “Seamlessly delivering to customers while contributing to the OCA


In 2021, the OCA Board launched a big project with our communication strategy. The last few months, we’ve been working our our new website with GoodSense Marketing. The site will go live in the next few weeks - watch this space!

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OCA Newsletter #2, 2022
MoaHub, Rebecca Gellatly 1 July, 2022
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Great stories have a personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will assist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide, general audience in mind, your story will sound fake and lack emotion. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.

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