OCA Days 2024
30th September - 1st October | Val Benoit, Liège, Belgium
Wow! Tickets are selling fast for OCA Days 2024. Make sure you register now to secure your spot.
We've got more information coming about the event. Keep an eye on the blog towards the end of next week to find out more details.
We can't wait to see you in Liège.
OCA Update
Podcast Projets Libres - Listen Now
Alone, we go fast. Together, we go further!
Our OCA President Joël Grand-Guillaume recently had the honour of being featured on the "Projet Libres" podcast. In this insightful interview, he discussed the creation, functioning, financing, and relationship of OCA with Odoo. The episode also touched upon the vibrant community and the future of Association.
The conversation was conducted in French, but fret not, a transcript is available in English for your convenience.
OCA Open Live Sessions
We've had two really informative Open Live Sessions to date - you can see some of our June participants below - it was great to talk with you all.

These sessions are open to anyone to join and ask questions, get clarity, offer suggestions about the OCA.
Some of the questions from June included:
* What is the OCA's strategy?
* How can we make people know of the OCA and understand the benefits?
* What are the business models of community members?
* Is there a working group on documentation? How to join?
Please, join us for the July session:
Tuesday 16th July at 8pm CEST/ 6pm UTC here:
No registration needed, just click on the link and join us!
The OCA is in the Fediverse!
During our first Open Live session in May, we were asked why the OCA was not on alternative social media platforms (other than LinkedIn, Facebook and X). To be honest there was no reason why, except a lack of time and motivation to do so.
This has now changed and you can follow the OCA adventures here:
Great Tool at the OCA
Adrien Peiffer, ACSONE - Odoo DevOps with Kubernetes
This talk has been one of the most popular videos on our YouTube channel following the OCA Days 2023.
Deploying Odoo in Kubernetes enables us to offer our customers a portable and scalable solution that ensures high availability in a varied and sometimes complex application ecosystem, depending on the customer. On top of this, the declarative aspect of the solution enables our teams to work more efficiently with complete autonomy in their namespaces, without depending on system administrators who take care of overall cluster maintenance.
During this presentation, we will explain the reasons why Kubernetes is an effective solution in our context, introduce the architecture we have implemented, and the various components that make it possible to set up a simple and efficient devops solution.
Consultant Workgroup - where things are at
The “functional” working group (also known as “consultants working group” or “non technical working group”) is still alive. The team meets monthly and continue to discuss the hot topics of the documentation.
Getting an easy tool for non Github lovers to update the documentation readme’s remains a challenge. New ideas are being explored with technical people’s help, thanks to the call for help in the Contributors mailing list a few weeks ago.
Next topics on the to-do list are:
* Continue updating the OCA website
* Better organise the Discord channels
* Create content for the “great OCA modules & App” series
Do you want to join this workgroup? Contact Virginie.
Community Days
We've had some amazing Community Days over the last quarter - you can find out what happened at both the Spanish and Italian Days. What an amazing community we have! We love seeing people come together creating and learning as a whole.
Odoo Development Cookbook
Build effective business applications using the latest features in Odoo 17.

Long time members and friends of the OCA Husen Daudi and Jay Vora have updated the latest version.
Key Features include:
* Create web client components using the latest features in the Odoo Web Library (OWL)
* Discover new widgets for display screens, fields, and attributes in Odoo 17
* Handle website and web client development with JavaScript snippets and QWeb templates
* Discover new widgets for display screens, fields, and attributes in Odoo 17
* Handle website and web client development with JavaScript snippets and QWeb templates
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