Odoo days Italia 2024

From May 16th to May 17th the Odoo Italia association hosted the "Odoo days Italia 2024" event in San Benedetto del Tronto. I was lucky because I was invited on behalf of the OCA board to give a talk about the OCA and I met lots of interesting people, everyone willing to share and learn more.

In this wonderful place I had the chance to chat with my friend Andrea Cometa - President of the Odoo Italia Association - and I'd like to bring to you his thoughts.

Message from the Odoo Italia Association President

I was starting to write the press release at the end of the event with the intention of collecting the numbers, constantly growing in each edition, from participants to sponsors to speakers and I would have liked to count the number of hands shaken and the feedback received.

And that's exactly where I stopped because we need to go beyond the numbers, beyond the summations, beyond the analytical reasoning of those who do a job like ours. Because the emotions, the quality of the arguments, the eyes full of curiosity and wonder, the synergies that arise in this context, the open-mindedness to an outside-the-box approach cannot be put into a spreadsheet or a self-congratulatory summation. They go further.

Just like us who have gone further, from year to year, we have surpassed ourselves in every line of code as well as in every relationship.

Telling what you experience by passing through the association's numerous channels to in-person events where we concentrate all our essence and spirit of sharing in a couple of days is not easy, it must be experienced. Considering above all that it is not our job to organize events, especially remotely taking care of every single detail, I certainly put in my effort but it is not enough if you are not part of a team, which as in all sports works if well tested.

The formula works beautifully, there was an abundance of topics proposed and all of high quality, so much so that the selection was a real challenge, this year among other things we opened up topics on synergistic technologies with Odoo (see Postgres and OnlyOffice) with an excellent result in terms of quality and interest.

Like every year we rewarded the deserving members of our community, starting with our friend and Board Member Elvis Piobbico for a speedy recovery, Paolo Gatti of Odoo S.A. for his precious contribution to the growth of standard localization, Odoo Community Association for the high value he brings to Odoo instances and Stefano Nana as a hard-working new entry in the Odoo Italia community.

We have excellent prospects and excellent fuel which is the enthusiasm that distinguishes us and which, I am sure, is difficult to find in other communities or organizations that claim to be close-knit but in reality each member sees the other as a competitor and not as a colleague, with whom you can discuss and also do business together.
Our strength lies in being aware of being a compact team that constantly works to bring innovation to the Italian SME market.

Finally, I would like to thank all the participants, speakers and sponsors who all contributed to making the experience of Odoo Days Italia 2024 unique.

Sponsor Platinum: Apulia Software e Openforce (also for logistical support)
Sponsor Gold: Cecchi, Innovyou, KH, Unitiva, Dinamiche Aziendali, Quickstart2, OnlyOffice, Aggity
Sponsor Silver: AgileBG, Takobi, Teuron, Zerynth

Andrea Cometa - Presidente Associazione Odoo Italia

Odoo days Italia 2024
Camptocamp SA, Simone Orsi 24 May, 2024
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