Ecotax Management

Ecotax Management: in French context is a 'cost' added to the sale price of electrical or electronic appliances or furnishing items
  • Odoo Version

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Ecotax Management

Beta License: AGPL-3 OCA/account-fiscal-rule Translate me on Weblate Try me on Runboat

This module adds ecotax amount on invoice line. furthermore, a total ecotax is added at the footer of each document.

To make easy ecotaxe management and to factor the data, ecotaxes are set on products via ECOTAXE classifications. ECOTAXE classification can either be a fixed or weight based ecotax.

A product can have one or serveral ecotax classifications. For example, wooden window blinds equipped with electric motor can have ecotax for wood and ecotax for electric motor.

This module has some limits : - The ecotax amount is always included in the price of the product. - The ecotax amount is not isolated in an specific accounting account but is included in the product income account.

If one of these limits is an issue, you could install the submodule account_ecotax_tax. This second module lets you manage the ecotax as a tax, so you can configure if you want it to be included or excluded of product price and also configuring an accounting account to isolate it. The main consequence of this approach is that the ecotax won't be considered in the turnover, since it is considered as a tax.

This module version add the possibility to manage several ecotax classifications by product. A migration script is necessary to update from previous versions.

There is the main change to manage in migration script:

renamed field model old field new field account.move.line unit_ecotaxe_amount ecotaxe_amount_unit product.template manual_fixed_ecotaxe force_ecotaxe_amount

changed fields model old field new field product.template ecotaxe_classification_id ecotaxe_classification_ids

added fields model new field account.move.line ecotaxe_line_ids product.template ecotaxe_line_product_ids

Table of contents


  1. Add an ecotax classification via the menu Accounting > Configuration > Taxes > Ecotax Classification.
    • The ecotax classification can be either a fixed ecotax or a weight-based ecotax.
    • Ecotax classification information can be used for legal declarations.
    • For the fixed ecotax, the ecotax amount is used as a default value, which can be overridden on the product.
    • For the weight-based ecotax, define one ecotax by a coefficient applied to the weight (depending on the product's materials).
  2. Assign one or more ecotax classifications to a product.
    • The ecotax amount can also be manually overridden on the product.
  3. Create an invoice with this product

Bug Tracker

Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us to smash it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.

Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.



  • Akretion


This module is maintained by the OCA.

Odoo Community Association

OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.

Current maintainers:

mourad-ehm florian-dacosta

This module is part of the OCA/account-fiscal-rule project on GitHub.

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