List of "must have" OCA modules

The Odoo Community Association hosts thousands of Odoo Applications and Modules, all available under the AGPL licence and free to use. This mass of modules can be overwhelming. That is why we present here a list of "must have" OCA modules. Any Odoo database should have at least several of these modules installed in order to get the best of Odoo software.

This list has been created by a working group of volunteer consultants who contribute and are members of the OCA. We thank them a lot for the time spent on this shortlist!

Do you love an OCA module and you don't see it in this list? Contact us!



        Github Repository
        server_action_mass_edit (mass_editing) Easier mass editing than the standard

        Learn how to use it here.
        base_name_search_improved Improvement in name search. Example: You have a partner named “John Mr. Brown”, and you are typing “John Brown”, it will find it server-tools
        Split the name in “First name” and “Last name” partner-contact
        Use AND conditions on omnibar search web
        web_listview_range_select Enables selecting a range of records using the shift key. web
        web_dialog_size A module that lets the user expand/restore the dialog box size through a button in the upper right corner (imitating most windows managers). It also adds draggable support to the dialogs. web
        web_responsive This module adds responsiveness to web backend. web
        password_security set company-level password security requirements and enforces them on the user server-auth
        disable_odoo_online remove links to odoo server-brand
        web_refresher for a refresh of a single list web
        date_range define global date ranges that can be used to filter your values in tree views server-ux
        partner_contact_access_link allow you to click on a button and open the full contact form while watching a company form partner-contact

        This module adds the ability to manually flag partners as customer or supplier from the partner form view.

        mail_debrand This module modifies the functionality of emails to remove the Odoo branding, specifically the 'Powered by Odoo' mail
        audit_log This module allows the administrator to log user operations performed on data models such as create, read, write and delete. server-tools
        queue_job It allows to postpone method calls executed asynchronously. Jobs are executed in the background by a Jobrunner, in their own transaction. queue