Our Members Directory

 The people supportive of the OCA values and mission

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2025 OCA Member

ALLIASYS, Yves Le Doeuff
ALLIASYS, Yves Le Doeuff
Alliasys accompagne les PME et les PMI dans la mise en place de leur système informatique et dans la réussite de leurs projets avec Odoo.
TechUltra Solutions, Mustufa Kantawala
TechUltra Solutions, Mustufa Kantawala
TechUltra Solutions was founded back in August 2016 to start an association that every company around the world can relate to, No matter it is a Multinational Firm or a Small scale Enterprise.

TechUltra Solutions have a gigantic experience working in Odoo. We have been in the field since the year 2016 and with a vital experience of 8+ years, We are having more than 10 years of overall experience, Our leaders are active in odoo since version 5.0 while it was OpenERP. We have been working as a team & a role model for the natives.

Over the years TechUltra Solutions rolled its way hard to achieve the heights of accomplishment which the company is enjoying at present at the global front, Our global presence is in India, Peru, UK and South Africa and we are official partners in India, UK and Peru, We have helped more than 400+ various businesses to get Odoo running successfully. and our clientele is widely spreaded in 45+ countries all over the globe.

Our highly dedicated & devoted team of staff members working their hearts out to leave no stone unturned towards covering TechUltra Solutions pathway of success.

TechUltra Solutions has always been known for its Quality, Suitable services, Thriving Dedication, Moral ways & highly friendly ambiance.

Reach out to us anytime to discuss your Interesting project

2025 OCA Delegate

Le Filament, Rémi Cazenave
Le Filament, Rémi Cazenave
Quartile Corporation, Yoshi Tashiro.
Quartile Corporation, Yoshi Tashiro.
Trying to make Odoo popular in Japan. My focus has been more on the product translation, but once we achieve a comfortable enough progress I would like to contribute more on OCA activities.
Pierre Verkest
Pierre Verkest
Together, we design your business tools, tailored and integrated into your ecosystem.
#Python #Odoo #AnyBlok #QA #DevOps

2025 OCA Board