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Re: [OCA/web] [11.0] [MIG] web_tree_image (#1006)

by Dennis Sluijk <notifications@github.com> - 04/09/2018 13:33:05

@tarteo requested changes on this pull request.

In web_tree_image/static/src/js/tooltip.js:

> @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+odoo.define('web_tree_image.web_tree_image', function(require) {
+"use strict";
+var ListRenderer = require('web.ListRenderer');
+    events: _.extend({}, ListRenderer.prototype.events, {
+    	'mouseover tbody tr td .o_field_image': '_onHoverRecord_img',
+    }),
+	_onHoverRecord_img: function (event) {

Can you make the indentation straight?

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