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Re: [OCA/web] [RFC] web_responsive: Change behavior of html widget (#1919)

by "Enric Tobella" <notifications@github.com> - 05/05/2021 12:59:48

I think this will make other views more cumbersome to manage. Other modules can place fields after another field that uses this widget.
Well, it will change the size according to the size of each field if it is bigger than the minimum px, The size is independent for each one. Right now it is harder to read all in this case, as you need to click on each field and start scrolling.

Would it be possible to disable the scroll action of elements inside the "main" container that are not active (no focus)?

I am not sure, as the widget is generated on the start, not when clicking.

However, changing the behavior can be somehow crazy. If you have two HTML fields big enough, you will need to click on the first to read it all (the scroll is working only when clicking, but the new behavior will be making it big). When you start reading the second field, everything will be resized, I don't know if this is the expected behavior 😞

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