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Re: Wizard fields become False on button press

Tecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza
- 28/04/2021 22:52:10
The method for the button shouldn't be @api.model.


El mié., 28 abr. 2021 22:34, Victor Ekström <victor.ekstrom@vertel.se> escribió:
Hello OCA! I am having a problem with odoo14:s wizard behavior.

I have a wizard model in wich i define a selection field and a boolean 
field. And a function "print_price" that gets called when a button is 
pressed on the wizard. But when the button is pressed, both the 
selection and boolean fields log out "False", they seem to have lost 
their values when the button was pressed.

Does anyone know what causes this, or how to fix it?

Python code:

class product_price_print_wizard(models.TransientModel):
     _name = 'product.price.print.wizard'

     glabels_template = fields.Selection([("1" , "potato"),("2" , 
"tomato")], 'Glabel Template', required=True, default = "1")
     wtf = fields.Boolean(string="test", default = True)

     def print_price(self, context):
         _logger.warning(f"wtf: {self.wtf}")
         _logger.warning(f"glabels_template: {self.glabels_template} ")


<record id="product_price_print_form" model="ir.ui.view">

             <field name="name">product.price.print.wizard.form</field>

             <field name="model">product.price.print.wizard</field>

             <field name="arch" type="xml">

                 <form string="Price Print">


                         <field name="glabels_template"/>




                             <button name="print_price" string="Print" 
type="object" class="oe_highlight"/> or

                             <button special="cancel" string="Cancel" 






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