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Re: [OCA/pos] [12.0] ADD pos_product_multi_price: Make pricelists based on product_multi_price work in point of sale (#541)

by "Iván Todorovich" <notifications@github.com> - 21/07/2021 21:24:05

@ivantodorovich requested changes on this pull request.

also check @qgroulard comment :)

In pos_product_multi_price/models/product.py:

> +    # technical field used in POS frontend

+    price_ids_json = fields.Char(

+        "Multi price data dict", readonly=True,

+        compute="_compute_price_ids_json")

⬇️ Suggested change
-    # technical field used in POS frontend

-    price_ids_json = fields.Char(

-        "Multi price data dict", readonly=True,

-        compute="_compute_price_ids_json")

+    price_ids_json = fields.Char(

+        "Multi price data dict",

+        help="Technical field used in POS frontend",

+        compute="_compute_price_ids_json",

+    )

  • computed fields are already readonly by default.
  • you can move the comment to the help attribute, it's more helpful this way

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