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loop in Actual recompute for field ...

Acsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul
- 10/06/2020 19:16:59

I'm trying to run openupgrade from 9 to 10.

It seems it gets stuck in an infinite loop saying "Actual recompute for field account.payment.company_id for 1 recs".

The reason I suspect it is looping is that there are only 28 account.payment records in my database.

I have not seen that behaviour with openupgrade before so I'm suspecting there is something wrong with the data. However everything seems correct for that company_id field (it's a related store=True) which has correct values in the database.

Has anyone experienced this kind of behavior before and can share a hint on how to debug it?

Best regards,

Stéphane Bidoul
Operations Director Acsone sa/nv |
m +32 498 72 46 54 | t +32 2 888 3124 | f +32 2 888 3159