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avoiding extra moves in stock pickings
Camptocamp France SAS, Alexandre Fayolle
Hello folks, I've been struggling with 2 customers running odoo 8 in the past months because of stock errors. I ended up overriding the stock tranfer wizard to prevent adding lines, increasing the quantities or placing production lots which were not in the source location. This helped a lot, but I was still seeing some sale order lines being shipped twice (in odoo, not for real, at least not always), and such, and fixing the stock was a PITA. Today I've seen that a stock.picking can easily be transfered twice in odoo8 : the wizard can be displayed in 2 odoo screens and processed partially in both. This creates "extra move" lines in the picking, and backorders, and is probably the source of the mess I'm facing. The solution I'm planning to deploy is a simple addon which redefine the _create_extra_move of stock.picking and only allows the admin to call it, except maybe on incoming pickings where it is possible that maybe the supplier shipped the wrong goods / quantities. This should at least stop the situation from degrading. Do you think I should propose this as an addon for the OCA logistics project in stock logistics workflow for v8? -- Alexandre Fayolle Chef de Projet Tel : +33 4 58 48 20 30 Camptocamp France SAS Savoie Technolac, BP 352 73377 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex http://www.camptocamp.com
Re: avoiding extra moves in stock pickings
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza