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Picking up products with two locations

- 04/10/2016 21:55:04

The example product has two location with some quantities:

WH/Stock/Raw A/Shelf 1/Case 001 (4 quantities)
WH/Stock/Raw A/Shelf 1/Case 002 (1 quantity)

Products has generated EAN number for scanning during doing pickup.

So when I do pickup for this example

after 4 quantities scanned fist line in delivery order is move to be completed (highlighted in green)
after 5 quantities scanned its counted like this:

WH/Stock/Raw A/Shelf 1/Case 001 (5 quantities scanned) too much
WH/Stock/Raw A/Shelf 1/Case 002 (0 quantity scanned)

Products has only own barcode, no lot(s) generated.

Is it bug or wrong configuration?
(Odoo 8)

Br, Tomek