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Re: [OCA/hr] [12.0][IMP] hr_holidays_leave_auto_approve: Auto-approve for everyone (#663)

by Alexey Pelykh <> - 19/11/2019 12:32:52

@alexey-pelykh commented on this pull request.

In hr_holidays_leave_auto_approve/models/

> @@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ def _check_approval_update(self, state):
         return super()._check_approval_update(state)
+    @api.multi
+    def apply_auto_approve_policy(self):
+        for record in self:
+            policy = record.holiday_status_id.auto_approve_policy
+            if (record.can_approve and policy == 'hr') or policy == 'all':

no, it would work normally

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