Human Resources mailing list archives


Employee shift based resource calendar view

- 22/06/2019 02:07:40

Hi Odoo Community,

I'm in the middle of implementing Odoo (V11CE atm) in the human resources area of the small not-for-profit organisation I work for in Brisbane, Australia.

Currently I'm trying to replace our shift scheduling processes which, until now, we have done manually in a spreadsheet which is very time consuming and error prone.  The objective is to create a 2D matrix view with shift name in the x-axis and date in the y-axis with the inner fields being populated with employees that have been assigned a given shift (sometimes multiple employees in a single field).  Please see the image below for an example taken from our current spreadsheet.  The times of all of our shifts are fixed - 8.45am to 12.36am for the AM shifts, 1.27pm to 5.15pm for the PM shifts.

I've spent some time reviewing the core Odoo and OCA modules that might assist and it seems that a combination of resource calendars and leaves with the following modules might provide the required functionality.

- theoretical-vs-attended-time-analysis - This seems to look at the resource calendars and leaves for employees and calculate the theoretical attendance time (perfect for a shift schedule) but as far as I can tell (and I'm not a developer) it doesn't store the calculated data in a model (correct me if I'm wrong).  If it did store the data in a model, I think it would be fairly easy to extract via the Google Spreadsheet connector module and have a view (like the one above) available online via google sheets.

- Resource Calendar Rrule - This is just in the process of being merged into V10 (no V11 yet) but I think would be tremendously useful for entering the shift data (eg. Employee X works Sales AM on the first and third Wednesday of the month).

- 2d-matrix-for-x2many-fields - If this view could be used to do display the shift schedule (similar to the image above) entirely in Odoo, that would be an added extra.  I'm not sure if that module could display multiple values in the one field though (comma separated or similar would be fine though).

If anyone has ideas on any of the above or would like to discuss a custom development, please let me know.  I think such a shift schedule module would be a very useful addition to the OCA hr suite of modules.

Kind regards,

Bill Ennals.

Operations Co-ordinator

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