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Is there a module to create partial payments for too many invoices?

Vauxoo, Moisés López Calderón
- 24/10/2018 06:07:15
I'm looking for a module for the following requirement:

1) Create 3 customer invoices with an amount of 100 EUR each one.
2) The customer is paying me 30 EUR
3) I need to match the 10 EUR of the payment for each invoice.

I mean,
Invoice1___100 EUR
Payment1_______10 EUR
Balance invoice1: 90 EUR

Invoice2___100 EUR
Payment1_______10 EUR
Balance invoice2: 90 EUR

Invoice3___100 EUR
Payment1_______10 EUR
Balance invoice3: 90 EUR

Total customer payment1 was 30 EUR
But I'm not using the total amount for just one invoice.
I'm using a partial payment amount for each one.

Then the invoices have a balance of 90 EUR each one.

I'm searching here:

But I didn't find it.

Could somebody help me if there is a module in the OCA for this case?

Moisés López Calderón
Mobile: (+521) 477-752-22-30
Twitter: @moylop260
hangout: - Odoo Gold Partner
Twitter: @vauxoo
