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Re: Pricelist sale price on form

Camptocamp France SAS, Matthieu Méquignon
- 14/02/2023 12:41:09
On 2/8/23 10:22, Francesco Ballerini wrote:

> Hello,


> I would like to be able to show sales price in pricelist items form.


> Very similar task to this module (only available for odoo13 at the 

> moment) 


> but this one does the job in the product template tree-view.


> We would need the same one in the product pricelist item form.

> I need it for odoo14 but I can consider modules for other version is 

> there is one available but not available for 14 (could try to perform 

> a migration in some cases).


> Thank you in advance. Regards,


> Francesco Ballerini




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Hi, I wrote a module for that

Prices are cached everyday, so the price you see is today's price.
With this module, you get a "display pricelist prices" button on the 
pricelist's form.
Also, you get a handy "display customer prices" action on the partner.
Those are popping up a tree view with all prices, which you can then 
filter and so on.

Matthieu Méquignon
Business Solutions Odoo Developer

Camptocamp France SA
Phone: +33 4 58 48 20 18
