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OCA Volunteers Needed - Odoo Community Days India - 23-24 August.

Odoo Community Association (OCA), Rebecca Gellatly (OCA)
- 09/08/2024 00:06:34
Hello OCA Contributors.

I hope this finds you well.

We have a booth at the upcoming India Odoo Community Days.
We've had some awesome support from the Serpent and BizzApp teams who have volunteered to help on the stand - we are hoping we could get a few more volunteers from our community to put in an hour or two over the two days.

If you are available to help out - please add your details to this spreadsheet.

The task at hand is to help promote the OCA within India and answer any questions people may have about the OCA.

Alternatively, if you are new to the OCA and/or want to find out more about the OCA, come and visit our stand to have a chat in person - we are at 

The great news is the event is free and open to the public! The Basic Pass gives access to Conferences, Exhibition & Talks during event days (August 23-24, 2024). 

Our OCA community looks forward to seeing you.

Rebecca Gellatly
General Secretary
Odoo Community Association