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Activating tab on form from code?

Data Dance s.r.o., Radovan Skolnik
- 31/07/2024 19:51:58


I would need to make certain tab active based on field contents of the record in basically 2 scenarios:

1) As a result of the action

2) When opening the record in form view

The idea is to lead the user to a tab where they need to fill in some stuff.

2) would override default system behavior that tries to keep last open tab open when switching to next record - i.e. I open one record from tree view and the press Next. It should also work when I open the first one.

1) would seem to be easier but I do not have any idea how to tacke this. Manipulating view architecture does not seem to work because there is no information on the record being displayed

Am I missing something? Any pointers on how to do this?

Thank you very much. Best regards

