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14.0 branches
Acsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul
Dear fellow contributors,
The 14.0 branches are being created as I post this message.
They are initialized from our new template repository that was created during the OCA Days sprint back in May [1]. This template is essentially a refreshed version of the linter configurations we have in 13.0. This new mechanism should make it easier to apply improvements across all repos in the future.
Special thanks to Jairo Llopis for his work on this topic.
I plan to provide a detailed walkthrough of all this during my OCA Days talk next week [6]. In the meantime, here are a few important things to note.
1. The project description in must be updated manually by PSCs.
Since our project-level README were manually maintained and updated over a long period, it is difficult to reliably extract the variable content from them. So they are created afresh, and PSC are invited to update the repo description within the dedicated section of Please do not change the header and footer manually.
The main expected benefits are:
- less redundancy (the manifests are enough to discover dependencies)
- reduce rippling effects to unrelated repos when an addon or python library does not install or misbehaves, since only the dependencies really needed by a repo are installed
If a PR depends on an unmerged addon or PR, create a file named test-requirements.txt at the repo root containing a line like this:
odoo14-addon-{addon_name} @ git+{repo}@refs/pull/{PR}/head#subdirectory=setup/{addon_name}
This mechanism has been tested on several repos in 13.0 and should be reliable. In case of problem, mention me in the PR and/or create an issue in OCA/maintainer-quality-tools repo. Alternatively, you can restore the old behaviour by removing the MQT_DEP=PIP line from .travis.yml. For the curious, the code of the new mechanism is in the OCA/m-q-t repo [4]
3. If you need local changes to the dotfiles let's discuss them
There are variables in the dot files, including .travis.yml [2]. To update them, the best way is to install copier [5], run "copier update" from the repo root, and answer the questions.
If you need other changes, you can apply them locally to resolve urgent situations, but that may make updates harder. So please open an issue in [1] to discuss if changes need to be made to the template.
As usual, don't hesitate to let me know of any issue.
That's all for now, folks. Happy migration!
Re: 14.0 branches
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis